Monday, September 25, 2006

QUBS from the air

I regret to inform you that I am departing shortly for a conference in Veracruz, Mexico (and when I say I am "regretful," what I mean is "ecstatic"). My post for this week will therefore be photographic in nature, but keep tuned to hear about the sunfish research currently gracing the front cover of Current Biology!

I took this photo of the station peninsula in February 2006 when my brother took me flying overhead. Anyone up for a swim off the diving board?


At 9/27/2006 2:21 PM, Blogger blackhole said...

You just wanted to toot your own horn about the photo, didn't you? ;)

Have fun in Mexico. Own the tequila, don't let the tequila own you.

At 10/05/2006 7:50 AM, Blogger Bob Montgomerie said...

So they don't have computers and the internet in Veracruz? How about a posting from the conference? any presentations there about work done at QUBS (besides your own of course)?

At 10/11/2006 8:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great blog topic. Have you got more aerial photos from your flight over QUBS? It would be fun for other QUBS researchers to have access to aerial photos to overlay bird territory data -- say, for black-capped chickadees or other QUBS study species.

At 10/11/2006 9:05 PM, Blogger Katie Langin said...

The only other aerial photos I took are of the Bedford/Skycroft area (surprise, surprise, given that is where we study redstarts). If anyone is interested, I would be happy to send them copies.


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